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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.
Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Teaching Children to Bring Their Cares to God
Teaching Children to Bring their Cares to God— The children who enter the children’s ministry classroom each week do not leave their baggage at the door. They arrive with all the feels accumulated throughout the week. They carry with them worries, sorrows, and cares from life lived in a fallen world. One child might be worried about a test at school the next day. Another might bear anger toward a sibling for breaking a beloved toy earlier that morning. Still another might feel the weight of failure over a lost soccer game the day before. Such emotions often feel [...]
There is Still Time to Plan for Summer
There is Still Time to Plan for Summer— Are you in the middle of planning your summer for children's ministry? Are you still thinking through a VBS option for the summer? CDM offers a curriculum that provides in-depth Bible lessons, emphasizes Scripture memory, is Gospel centered and is FUN for children and adults alike. If you are not familiar with Reachout Adventures, take a look at the benefits of Space Probe. Although the Space Probe curriculum is intended for a week-long Vacation Bible School, there are various ways you can adapt this curriculum to fit your church! Check out [...]
There is Still Time to Plan for Summer
There is Still Time to Plan for Summer Are you in the middle of planning your summer for children's ministry? Are you still thinking through a VBS option for the summer? CDM offers a curriculum that provides in-depth Bible lessons, emphasizes Scripture memory, is Gospel centered and is FUN for children and adults alike. If you are not familiar with Reachout Adventures, take a look at the benefits of Space Probe. Although the Space Probe curriculum is intended for a week-long Vacation Bible School, there are various ways you can adapt this curriculum to fit your church! Check out [...]
Planning for Vacation Bible School
Planning for Vacation Bible School Yes, you read that right—VBS planning! After years of running VBS, I have learned that setting aside a day for prayer and planning goes a long way toward a successful VBS. Over the years I have directed Vacation Bible Schools of all sizes, from 40 kids all the way up to 800, and the need for prayer is critical during the entire process. Pray for God to lead you to the right people to recruit into the main positions: Bible teachers Prayer leader Music leaders Drama leader Craft director Snack leader Recreation leader Nursery [...]
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest – Part 3
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest - Part 3— It can be tempting to underestimate the significance of our nursery and early childhood ministries. After all, they are so little! What will they really learn? This practical podcast series will stir up your vision and give you tools that you can apply immediately with the little ones in your ministry. Part 3 of 3.
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest – Part 2
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest - Part 2— It can be tempting to underestimate the significance of our nursery and early childhood ministries. After all, they are so little! What will they really learn? This practical podcast series will stir up your vision and give you tools that you can apply immediately with the little ones in your ministry. Part 2 of 3.
Creative 3-Day Option for VBS Space Probe
Creative 3-Day Option for VBS Space Probe— Many thanks to Sherry Kendrick, Family Ministries Director at Covenant Church of Naples, for helping us develop a model to use Space Probe in a three-day format. This document contains everything from a sample schedule to recommendations for crafts, snacks, recreation and lesson emphasis. View/download PDF. CDM offers a curriculum that provides in-depth Bible lessons, emphasizes Scripture memory, is Gospel centered and is FUN for children and adults alike. If you are not familiar with Reachout Adventures, take a look at the benefits of [...]
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest – Part 1
Modeling the Message of the Gospel to our Littlest - Part 1— It can be tempting to underestimate the significance of our nursery and early childhood ministries. After all, they are so little! What will they really learn? This practical podcast series will stir up your vision and give you tools that you can apply immediately with the little ones in your ministry. Part 1 of 3.
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