Children’s Church Curriculum Options

We were created to worship God, and we want to raise the smallest in our churches to experience worship as a part of the Body of Christ.
When should children transition from nursery to joining adults in corporate worship? There are many things to consider, but we have several resources that you can use to prepare the children of your church to participate in “big church.”

Teach Me to Worship (online pdf curriculum)
This curriculum equips preschool and lower elementary children for corporate worship. Each month, children learn a different element of the worship service including Call to Worship, Prayer, Praise, Tithes & Offerings, Reading of the Word, Hearing the Word, Confession of Faith, the Sacraments, & the Benediction. Additional units on Christmas, Easter, and Missions, allow you to use this curriculum year-round, but the downloadable resources also allow you to customize it to meet the specific needs of your ministry to children.
Teach Me To Worship was developed for children’s church, Sunday school, Wednesday night programs, and at home. Intended to equip another generation to bow down in worship to our King (for age 4-7 with Simplify sheets).

Little Pillars (online pdf curriculum)
Like the wise man in Scripture, we want our children’s spiritual foundations to run deep, providing stability and protection. With training to set their minds on God’s truth and anchor them to resources that have strengthened the Church for centuries, our children can stand strong when their faith is tested by doubt and the storms of life.
Building Little Pillars equips them with strong supports! Through Bible memory, Bible stories, hands-on learning, and life applications of spiritual truths found in the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer, Building Little Pillars lays a firm foundation for covenant children as they begin their journey of faith.
Use Building Little Pillars at church, school, home, or homeschool to strengthen children’s faith through the teaching of sound Reformed doctrines.
Heather Molendyk holds a degree in elementary education from the University of Miami. She has worked with children of all ages as a classroom teacher, camp counselor, Vacation Bible School director, Sunday school teacher, nursery coordinator, homeschool mom, enrichment teacher, and as part of a church-plant leadership team. Heather currently worships and serves with her husband and four children at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC.

By Susan Hunt-PCA.
Join Bill and Missy on their journey as they make their way through the alphabet and God’s Word. In this comprehensive, revised and expanded edition of ABC Bible Verses for Children, Bill and Missy grow as they struggle with how to apply the scriptures to their daily lives. Each of the 26 lessons presents a puppet skit in which Bill and Missy encounter situation in which they are challenged to live by God’s Word. Each lesson includes:
__ A lesson based on a puppet skit dialogue (stick puppets included)
__ A Gospel section that uses the verse to teach children about Jesus
__ Small group ideas
__ Activity ideas
__ A worksheet for both readers (word search) and non-readers (dot-to-dot)
__ A Power Point slide with a colored letter and the corresponding verse.
In addition, the curriculum includes ideas for review games as well as a set of cards for an ABC Bible Verse Memory Game that will aid children in learning the scripture references. Also includes a CD with all the material included as PDF files for easy printing and copying, so that you can use this curriculum year after year!
New King James, unless otherwise noted.