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Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.
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Yes, I am the New Children’s Director! Now what?
Yes, I am the New Children’s Director! Now what?- Yay! You are the new Children’s Director at your church, and it’s no surprise to your friends. After all, you love children! All your life people have told you how great you are with kids, and you knew they were right. Now, as you prepare for Sunday morning, you are wondering just what you have gotten yourself into as you sit cross-legged on your floor cutting out three hundred stars to tell the story of Abraham. Do you know how many corners there are to cut in 300 stars? Ummmm [...]
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
On Earth as It Is in Heaven- Facing change is inevitable, but when we are not prepared, change can be wearisome and challenging. Now that I am in the post-diaper-changing and minivan era, I find myself wanting more predictability and comfort. Daily tasks such as driving, laundry, and grocery shopping, become “work” as I deal with the effects of my aging mind and body. While my weekends used to be filled with sports activities and birthday parties, I’m often sitting in a slow, quiet living room, reading a book or scrolling through those old family photos, reminiscing of the [...]
Thriving in Transition
Thriving in Transition- I will be the first to admit I have not always thrived in transition. Whether it’s settling into a new church as Children’s Ministry Director or going through changes in your church, transitions are hard. I have learned a few things over the years to help stay healthy in transitions. I am still learning to do these things well, but I hope they will resonate and be an encouragement to you wherever you are in transition. Give Yourself a Timelines Transitions can be overwhelming. Sometimes it’s helpful to make a timeline of when certain things in [...]
Reflection and Planning
Reflection and Planning- As servants in children’s ministry, we can sometimes get fixated on detail after detail. How many supplies do we need to buy? What room will be big enough? Where will all the volunteers come from? These are very important questions, but sometimes it’s where we go first, and we miss out on the beauty of the garden because we are stuck in the weeds. I’ve found that spending time in reflection helps zoom out my view a little bit to see the bigger picture of what God may be trying to accomplish through the ministry. Perspective [...]
Advent While Suffering
Advent While Suffering- With God’s help, we remember. Advent is a special time for individual families and for our covenant church families as well. The decorations, the music, the lights, the nativity scenes all invoke a true thrill in the air. But seasons of joy are often accompanied by seasons of affliction and loss. Difficult times financially, long-suffering in cancer, and impending or tragic loss of a loved one can take one’s breath away and cause us to feel hopeless. Stephanie Hubach writes in Same Lake, Different Boat that we live in an abnormal world marred by sin, and [...]
Now the Light of Life Has Come!
Now the Light of Life Has Come!— “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). To live in December is to know the yearning for a spring sun and the light that it brings. The long, dark days can dampen even the cheeriest of hearts. It is believed that for this reason the early Church chose December 25th as the day on which to celebrate Christmas. Its close proximity to the darkest day of the year, December 22, was a call for Christians to draw a parallel between the physical darkness of [...]
How to Encourage Parents to Fear Not When You Are Not a Parent Yourself
How to Encourage Parents to Fear Not When You Are Not a Parent Yourself— Being a Children’s Ministry Director can be very rewarding. It can also be challenging. No surprises there, right? But add to that another layer, such as being single, not having children of your own, or being younger than most of the parents you serve and the challenge quotient goes up. Perhaps you may have felt “less than,” looked on with pity, or viewed as living an unfulfilled life because you fall into one of these categories. Questions may plague you: Do I know what I’m [...]
Be Present
Be Present— He repeatedly screamed at the top of his lungs, “Shut the _ _ _ _ up!!”, spitting in my face, as I did my best to hold this terrified 4-year-old stranger. His relentless violence toward me left me clueless of what to do, so I simply held him and prayed. He and his 3-year-old brother had just moved into our home. We were officially foster parents. A persistent cycle of stories of this sort would permeate our home for nearly fourteen years. Do you want to know how best to come alongside those living in the world [...]
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