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Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Fear Not Parenting—Fear Not Disability
Fear Not Parenting: Fear Not Disability— I can still remember the question the nurse asked my wife and me in the hospital room not long after our son was born: “Are you familiar with Trisomy 21?” We were not familiar with this term until she explained it was the more technical term for Down Syndrome. This was the first time we heard that our son was going to be different than we had imagined, and the life we had envisioned would be taking a significant detour. Disorientation The disorientation of having a child with a disability can be all-encompassing. [...]
Fear Not Technology
Fear Not Technology— You may have already seen the videos of young people walking down the sidewalk, riding the train, eating at restaurants, or even driving a car with the Apple Vision Pro® plastered across their faces. These images are concerning and scary. This new technology is an amazing tool for connecting the user to the world online but blinds them to their surroundings and isolates them from the people around them. The pattern is true almost any time a new technology is released: we see the blessing of its benefits along with the possible challenges and dangers to [...]
Fear Not Parenting in the Present Age
Fear Not Parenting in the Present Age— In our house, the evening routine includes watching the local news before we turn in. I’m often ready to shut off the TV long before the half-hour newscast is over, as coverage of national and world circumstances gets harder and harder to watch, especially when sleep is the next thing on the schedule. War, famine, genocide, politics, the economy, and changing cultural norms weigh heavy on our minds and hearts. Our older daughter was just a year old when the events of September 11, 2001, occurred. I well remember working through a [...]
Fear Not Parenting—Encouraging Parents to Parent without Fear
Fear Not Parenting: Encouraging Parents to Parent without Fear— I just heard about another school shooting. My neighbor told me her daughter brought home a pornographic book from the school library. A friend had to pull her child out of school because he was bullied so badly. Those great little fruit pouches might have dangerous levels of lead. Transgenderism is a fad among our nation’s youth. This is the worst season for RSV, colds, and flu in decades, not to mention Covid is still out there. This world is scary! Our kids are in danger physically, emotionally, and spiritually, [...]
God Never Stops Hugging You
God Never Stops Hugging You - Once a month during the school year we have a program called “First Wednesday.” On the (you guessed it!) first Wednesday of the month, we switch up our midweek Bible study and do a topical study with three different age groups. Staff members come and teach while we “beef” things up with games, music, and a dress-up theme. This year, we’re studying the Attributes of God. I do music, games, and the lesson with the 4s, 5s and Kindergarteners each month. As I prepare for my lesson, I always think about the one [...]
Modeling Worship to Families
Modeling Worship to Families - Our actions and words matter as leaders in the church. This is especially true in the pew. Know it or not, we are being watched by the children of our congregation as an example of how to worship. This being the case, a question I often wrestle with is this: How do we model worship to children and families around us? Sometimes I forget that people are watching me each Sunday. I have a lot on my plate each Sunday morning as a Children’s Ministry Director in a church plant context. My morning starts [...]
Growing as a Teacher
Growing as a Teacher- Knowing the audience here, I know I am not alone in saying that teaching covenant children in the church is hands down one of the greatest joys we have in this life. As I sit at my desk and look at the wall where we display what we’ve been learning on Wednesday nights, it delights my heart to see the Attributes of God, the Wisdom of Proverbs, and the Big Picture of the Bible. Yet even as I look at these reminders, I doubt. Though it is clearly laid out in front of me that [...]
The Joy of the ‘Aha’ Moment
The Joy of the ‘Aha’ Moment- We’ve all experienced it. There is a moment when you see the lightbulb go off for someone. There is a new understanding that often shows on someone’s face as they contemplate their newfound clarity. This someone may even be yourself. It’s beautiful when the Holy Spirit lets us see these moments. When we see it in ourselves, it often comes with repentance and conviction, drawing us closer to the Lord. When we see it happen in others, we are motivated to keep sharing Gospel truth. I love Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving at the [...]
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