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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.

Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Making the Most of Summer

Making the Most of Summer— Spring has sprung, which means summer is around the corner. Soon, the busy hustle and bustle of the school year will make way for a more relaxed pace—more free squares on the calendar and fewer demands from school and extra-curricular activities.  This “extra” time allows for more opportunities to intentionally connect with our children and families, helping them know Jesus, make memories, grow friendships, and build a sense of  belonging in the church. VBS, camps, Summer Sunday School, story-times, parks and popsicles, neighborhood meet ups, water game nights, family Olympics—the ideas are endless. And [...]

His Invitation

His Invitation— The advertisement for mentors had been taped to the front of my planner for three weeks. I was a junior at the University of Alabama when I pulled into the group home parking lot. If I am honest, I left twice before ever climbing out of my car. Literally, I parked, sat, and said, “Nah, God, I have a wedding to plan, a job to find, classes to finish,” only to recircle the building. The third time, I made myself sit still before God for five full minutes. The director confessed she had an unconventional match for [...]

Ages and Stages: The Tween Years

Ages and Stages: The Tween Years— I was really proud of the Kids Ministry our congregation poured into when I was on staff as the Children’s Ministry Director. We had a robust volunteer list and always found help when we needed it. (Shocking, I know!) However, there was one hole that I was never able to fill, no matter how many people I asked, and that was the 4th and 5th grade class, or the “tweens.”  For too long there was nothing at all for this group at our church. This weighed heavily on me, so when I moved [...]

The Elementary Years: Energetic and Enthusiastic!

The Elementary Years: Energetic and Enthusiastic!— You just can’t beat the hand-waving pride and enthusiasm of a 2nd grader who knows the answer and wants to be called on! Or the wide-eyed wonder of a 3rd grader when a new idea dawns on her for the first time. One morning we were reading the Acts 1 passage of Christ’s ascending into heaven, and when I read that the angel told the disciples Jesus would return, eight-year-old Austin was beside himself. “You mean He’s coming back??” If that doesn’t thrill your heart, I don’t know what will! Considering the ages [...]

Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges

Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges— “. . . but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’” (Matt. 19:14). To a seasoned teacher or a new volunteer joining your team, preschoolers can be terrifying because of their energy or they can be an exciting opportunity to share about Jesus and watch them soak up the gospel, just like a sponge. Before teaching this age group, it’s really best to find out what to expect. Whichever curriculum you choose should have information specific to the preschool [...]

Nursery: Where It All Begins

Nursery: Where It All Begins! — When you hear the word nursery, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Some of us think, “Oh, I love holding babies!” Some of us think, “I need more help!” And some think, “I want to teach them, but I’m not sure what to do.” Let’s look at the divisions of nursery, the musts for a successful nursery, and the nursery connection to children’s ministry. Divisions of nursery are important to understand as we launch into nursery leadership: Infants – our youngest who simply smile and gurgle (with a little spit-up [...]

Ages and Stages: How To Teach Children Well

Ages and Stages: How to Teach Children Well— If you have been around children at all, it does not take long to see how much they change and develop even from week-to-week. In the nursery we see them go from only laying on their back to crawling in what seems like the blink of an eye. In preschool we see them go from talking in a few words to carrying on seemingly long conversations to counting to 100. How did that happen? When they arrive in elementary school we go through the sometimes painful first steps of reading where [...]

Thank You God for Autism

Thank You God for Autism— The police came again. My husband got to share with them about our son, John, who lives with autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette syndrome. John loves to walk and pace on our neighborhood street these days. This past week I came out into our front yard to search for our John and found my 6-foot son walking down our neighborhood street shirtless, with his head turned upward towards the sky, marching in the middle of the road. He was so free and so focused. John’s freedom at this moment was confusing and perplexing to some of our neighbors [...]

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