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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.

Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Join Us For Grow Virtual

Join us for Grow Virtual— I love people! Relationships with others help me thrive. If you know me, you may be surprised to learn that I am an introvert because relationships are so richly rewarding for me and always worth my time. This is where I confess that the virtual conference is hard for me. Sitting behind a computer in preparation and in front of a camera for presentation are not my idea of fun. However, Grow Virtual is an important part of our ministry! Not everyone is able to travel to make meaningful connections with others in children’s [...]

Inviting Children Into Prayer

Inviting Children Into Prayer Prayer. One word that encompasses many opportunities for those who are in Christ. It’s an action, a command, our part in a relationship with our Savior,  and a calling we, both as parents and as adults within the covenant family, are responsible to bring our children into. Where do we even begin? We recount the events from Mark 10:13-16. Chances are that if you have been called to children’s ministry in your own church, you have read this account numerous times, finding solace and hope and encouragement to keep on serving in this particular ministry. [...]

Praying With Children

Praying With Children — Praying with children in our homes and in our churches is a special gift. It can be joyful and even funny at times. About a year ago, a mom told me about her and her husband’s experience praying with their children. This particular family is from Brazil and they regularly pray around their dinner table in Portuguese. One evening, as they bowed their heads, their four-year-old son spoke up and said, “Wait, I want to pray in English like we do at church.” He had learned the foundations of praying and was excited to pray [...]

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray- Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1 This verse introduces the Lord’s Prayer. We learn it. We teach it to our children. But do we pray it for them and with them? When we don’t know how to pray for our children, Jesus says, “When you pray, say this.” Many years ago, I found myself at a loss of how to pray for my wandering, angry son. I asked the Lord [...]

Why Prayer Matters

Why Prayer Matters— As the mother of a three-year-old and two-year-old, life is full, busy, and fast-paced. Each day I’m trying to keep up with the needs of young children, of being a pastor’s wife, of staying on top of a part-time job and other responsibilities that pull me in many different directions. At the end of last year, I noticed I was feeling more anxious than normal and the weight of life was feeling heavier. One night while doing our family devotions (that we “try” to do with our small children), we were talking about prayer with them. [...]

Making the Most of Summer

Making the Most of Summer— Spring has sprung, which means summer is around the corner. Soon, the busy hustle and bustle of the school year will make way for a more relaxed pace—more free squares on the calendar and fewer demands from school and extra-curricular activities.  This “extra” time allows for more opportunities to intentionally connect with our children and families, helping them know Jesus, make memories, grow friendships, and build a sense of  belonging in the church. VBS, camps, Summer Sunday School, story-times, parks and popsicles, neighborhood meet ups, water game nights, family Olympics—the ideas are endless. And [...]

His Invitation

His Invitation— The advertisement for mentors had been taped to the front of my planner for three weeks. I was a junior at the University of Alabama when I pulled into the group home parking lot. If I am honest, I left twice before ever climbing out of my car. Literally, I parked, sat, and said, “Nah, God, I have a wedding to plan, a job to find, classes to finish,” only to recircle the building. The third time, I made myself sit still before God for five full minutes. The director confessed she had an unconventional match for [...]

Ages and Stages: The Tween Years

Ages and Stages: The Tween Years— I was really proud of the Kids Ministry our congregation poured into when I was on staff as the Children’s Ministry Director. We had a robust volunteer list and always found help when we needed it. (Shocking, I know!) However, there was one hole that I was never able to fill, no matter how many people I asked, and that was the 4th and 5th grade class, or the “tweens.”  For too long there was nothing at all for this group at our church. This weighed heavily on me, so when I moved [...]

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