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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.
Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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E13: Teaching different learners with Sue Jakes
How do you teach every child who comes in your church? Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, as she shares some of the ways God created children to learn differently so you can engage each like Jesus did.
E12: Teaching and Modeling the Promise with Sue Jakes
What difference do God's promises make to our children? Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, as she shares the importance of anchoring our children to God's Promises in an ever changing world because every child needs to know, "You can't make God stop loving you!"
E11: Destination Discipleship: Making Children Disciples of Christ with Sue Jakes
How do you make children disciples of Christ?Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, as she shares that the difference between discipleship and childcare is where you're headed. Sue gives practical and foundational principles to help you reach destination discipleship.
E6: What Will We Teach with Anna Johnson
How important is curriculum, and what elements are necessary for a curriculum to have so that we can easily point the little ones to Jesus? Join Anna Johnson, a member of CDM's Children's Ministry Team, as she talks about curriculum and navigating the many overwhelming choices so that you can choose a curriculum that is purposeful! Children's Ministry Curriculum Comparison Chart
E7: Sharing God’s Love with Sherry Kendrick
What is the heart of your ministry to children? How important is compassion in your interactions with children? Join Sherry Kendrick, another member of CDM's Childrens' Ministry Team, to talk about how God's love fuels our motivation to lead and teach children.
E8: Engaging Families with Disabilities with John Kwasny
How does your church overcome the obstacles many families face to be a part of community? Join John Kwasny, another member of CDM's Children's Ministry Team, as he shares about engaging families with disabilities, because the gospel really is good news for every child.
E9: VBS with Lisa Updike
VBS can be a great opportunity to reach out into your community, to develop your student leaders, and to connect the many generations of your church, but should everyone do VBS? Lisa Updike joins us to share a vision for VBS that follows the leadership of your church and can make VBS the best week of the year!
E3: All Children are Welcome with Lisa Updike
Is your church an inviting place? How do you make every child feel welcome, accepted, and even wanted? Join Lisa Updike, a member of CDM's Children's Ministry Team, as she shares about outreach and how you can make all the children in your community and their families feel welcome at your church.
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