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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.

Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Failure, Fraud, and Shame

Failures, Fraud, and Shame I LOVE my job as the Director of Children’s Ministries at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia! But let me tell you this: day after day I struggle with feeling like a fraud. Shame tries to dig in his ugly claws, hoping to cause me to doubt, nagging me, setting out to discourage me, and seeking to make me too weary for the race. Shame whispers in my ear, “You are a failure. You have nothing to offer these children, and certainly nothing to offer their parents!” Why do I feel this way? You see, I [...]

Big Changes for Teach Me To Worship Curriculum

Ninety-six new activities! Not only has Teach Me to Worship been revised (with several completely new lessons), but each lesson now has two additional activities, so you can choose the one that best suits your students. This also allows you to rotate activities from year to year or have a different activity for each age group. And the best part of all, there is no additional charge! So, you can purchase or renew your subscription and receive almost 100 new activities along with the doctrinally sound lessons you’ve come to trust to teach the elements of worship and prepare children to join [...]

What Will your Summer Festival Look Like?

While the world cheers on the 2021 Olympians, inspire your VBS Athletes to go the distance with Joshua, the great champion of the Bible who points us to Jesus! A few years ago, there was a terrible rumor going around.  VBS is becoming extinct!  Churches are just not doing it any longer. I am so thankful that rumor was not true and that churches everywhere are more excited than ever to host a VBS-style summer ministry in 2021.  It is time to regather and there are so many reasons why your ministry should be deciding now what your summer “festival” [...]

Have you Heard about Children’s Ministry Certification?

Have you ever felt lonely in Children's Ministry? Have you ever felt like you have the heart and desire for ministering to children but are still growing in the skills? I worked in Children's Ministry for 9 years before joining the CDM team. I remember many times being so hungry to learn from others, to connect with others, and to share ideas with others. One of the many things I love about the certification program at CDM is the opportunity it allows to connect with others all over the country (and even the world) who are doing ministry just like you. Certification [...]

Focusing on the Future of the Church – Which way will we go?

Leadership Training Retreat 2021 Focusing on the Future of the Church – Which way will we go? Have you ever felt lonely in your role in children’s ministry?  Have you ever wondered where to go for training and tools to equip you in this important task?  Although at CDM we want to connect you to resources that will equip you throughout the year, we have 1 very special opportunity for connection and training this spring.  April 20th – 22nd will be our 5th annual Leadership Training Retreat.   This retreat is an opportunity to gather with other leaders in children’s ministry [...]

You Are My Friends Article

You Are My Friends Article— Article by Sue Jakes I remember when I first began teaching high school students thirty years ago. I was told never to smile before Christmas and to make sure they knew who was boss. I was quite young then, so there was “some” wisdom in those words. However, now as I teach our high school class at church, I see a need to be much more honest and real with these young people. Jesus is the Master teacher and we can always learn from him as we seek to teach his children. Jesus says, “My command [...]

E 22 Teaching Redemptively with Sue Jakes

How do you teach redemptively? Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, as she shares how teaching redemptively is more caught than taught and about way more than instruction or reading a Bible story.

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