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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.

Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Save the Date: 2022 Children’s Ministry Conferences!

Save the Date: 2022 Children's Ministry Conferences  Join us January 28-29, 2022 at Valley Presbyterian Church in Madison, AL as we come together for a weekend of training and connecting with each other. Our Grow conferences are designed to equip church leadership, teachers, and parents in the task of leading our children to Christ. To find out more information and to register, visit our CDM Website Join us March 29th - 31st in the beautiful North Carolina mountains for a time of worship, connection, and training as we talk about Coveant Connections: Building the Church Today and [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – The Villagers and Village Life (Part 7)

Editor’s Note: This is the final post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog.  You can purchase Heirs of the Covenant at the PCA Bookstore.  Heirs of the Covenant - The Villagers and the Village Life "A great resource for the life [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – Village Life (Part 6)

Editor’s Note: This is the sixth post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant - Village Life "In Heirs of the Covenant we are reminded of the opportunity we have to point others – both those within [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – What Is My Covenant Priviledge?(Part 5)

Editor’s Note: This is the fifth post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant - What Is My Covenant Privilege?  "Susan’s book will convince you that each member of your church can truly find their place in [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – Characteristics of the Covenant (Part 4)

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant - Characteristics of the Covenant In Heirs of the Covenant we are reminded of the opportunity we have to point others – both [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – Place and Presence (Part 3)

Editor’s Note: This is the third post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant - Place and Presence  "A foundational understanding of covenant theology colors everything about the way we love and worship God and live with each other. [...]

Heirs of the Covenant – Place and Presence (Part 2)

Editor’s Note: This is the second post in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant - Place and Presence  The following excerpts are from pages 23-27 of Heirs of the Covenant. Place and Presence Gene and I recently built [...]

Heirs of the Covenant (Part 1)

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles by author, Susan Hunt.  Her book, Heirs of the Covenant is a favorite of many. We hope this series helps you see God’s covenant in new and richer ways.  This article was originally posted on the CDM Women's Ministry Encourage Blog.  You can read more articles from Susan Hunt and other contributors on the Encourage Blog Heirs of the Covenant Nineteen years ago I wrote the following in the Introduction to Heirs of the Covenant: I am surprised I am writing this book. I have [...]

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