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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.
Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

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Retreat to Advance – Part 4
Retreat to Advance - Part 4— Retreat to Advance, a day to pray and plan for children’s ministry. This is week 4 in a 4 week series by B.A. Snider.
Retreat to Advance – Part 3
Retreat to Advance - Part 3— Retreat to Advance, a day to pray and plan for children’s ministry. This is week 3 in a 4 week series by B.A. Snider.
Time to Plan your VBS!
Time to plan your VBS— As you are likely freezing where you are in January, it is time to think warm and plan your VBS for summer. June will be here before we know it, so there's no time like the present to take those first steps! Kids continue to be captivated by the adventure of the world of outer space and space travel. Genesis 1: Space Probe is our opportunity to take that interest deeper. We can help them learn of the One who not only hung the stars and planets but sustains them minute by minute. We [...]
Retreat to Advance – Part 2
Retreat to Advance - Part 2 Retreat to Advance, a day to pray and plan for children’s ministry. This is week 2 in a 4 week series by B.A. Snider.
Retreat to Advance – Part 1
Retreat to Advance Retreat to Advance...a day to pray and plan for children’s ministry. This is week 1 in a 4 week series by B.A. Snider.
Why Should Our Families Return to Church?
Highlight from Scott Barber's GROW Virtual address. Click to Listen
The Bible is for Boys Too
The Bible is for Boys Too Warning: The following contains many broad generalizations on the subject of boyhood and girlhood. Please trust that the author knows that not ALL girls or ALL boys are exactly alike. He certainly realizes that there's a spectrum of both masculinity and femininity--so not ALL boys enjoy blood, guts, hunting and football; nor do ALL girls play with dolls, love shopping, and are nurturing to people and animals. There are just times one must generalize in order to speak to some basic principles. Praise God that He made us male and female! God has designed both [...]
Casting Vision with Purpose with Sue Jakes
Casting Vision with Purpose As we wrap up 2022 and prepare to begin a new year we wanted to share our very first children's ministry podcast that we recorded. Join Sue Jakes as she talks with us about Casting Vision with Purpose. We hope this podcast will encourage you and challenge you as you invest in the next generation this coming year. How do you cast a vision that communicates both the importance of your church’s ministry to children and the importance of the covenant in teaching the little ones? Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry [...]
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