Nursery Resource Recommendations
Top Nursery Resource Recommendations
Top Nursery Resource Recommendations
Potluck Provides New Friendship! The children’s ministry leadership training retreats are not just a time to be equipped with wise teaching and connected to excellent resources. They are an opportunity for the spirit of God to work and move in profound and creative ways. My first prayer as I prepare for the retreat is “Lord, [...]
Teach Us to Worship is a program designed to help churches grow lifelong worshipers. Our program offers curriculum, training, and a supportive community for parents, church leaders, and congregations to create an environment where children feel they belong in intergenerational worship. Along with web-based resources and large-group training, the Teach Us to Worship team [...]
Missed Opportunities— You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise (Deuteronomy 6:7). About twenty years ago, when I had several young children of my own, I [...]
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." — Proverbs 1:7a Our Great God Teaching our children to know and worship our great God. The 2023 conference was live on August 4-5, 2023. However, you can still participate by watching the recordings of the Live-streamed event, the [...]
Don’t Neglect the Catechizing of Your Covenant Children— Teaching by use of a catechism has fallen on hard times in the church today. I have known conservative evangelical Christians who think learning the catechism is a thing only the Roman Catholic Church does. Even many Presbyterians only contemplate catechism as a series of [...]
Children's Ministry LEAD Retreat 2024 Conference April 9-11, 2024 With an option to attend the Power UP Pre-Conference, beginning April 8! Leading, Equipping, and Discipling in Children’s Ministry at the Ridge Haven Conference Center The Children's Ministry Leaders at your church (pastors, children's ministry staff, volunteers in [...]
Christmas! A Wonderful Way to Connect with Parents— I’m one of those people who loves Christmas. The lights, music, decorating, special foods and family traditions are a welcome part of the season for me. As a young mom with young children, I looked for ways to make Christmas into a joyous celebration of [...]
Little Hearts Prepare Him Room with Holly Mackle— In the midst of the hurry and scurry of the Advent season, how do you best prepare your heart to meet Christ? Join Holly Mackle and Karen Hodge as they discuss both theologically rich and tremendously fun ways to celebrate Advent with your family. [...]