LEAD Retreat-
Life-Changing and Ministry-Shaping
The Children’s Ministry Director who went to her first LEAD Retreat at Ridge Haven several years ago is not the same Director who returned. When I boarded the airplane in Detroit, I couldn’t have known the effect that the next few days would continue to have on my ministry— from the seeds that would be sown to friendships which would be formed. The LEAD Retreat was truly a life-changing experience and continues to be something that I look forward to each year. Plenary session speakers share mind-blowing biblical truths that challenge me to seek Jesus more fervently as I strive to lead in this ministry at my church back home. My desire to grow in the theology of children as members of the local church continues to be the biggest draw for me to return to the LEAD Retreat each year.
I met Sue Jakes that first spring at Ridge Haven. Her energy and enthusiasm are almost tangible. Her love for Jesus Christ radiates from her! You just can’t help but smile and be drawn in to listen to her stories and passion for sharing the good news with everyone—especially with children! Sue used a phrase that will forever shape my view and passion for this work: “Kingdom Work.” Children are not an inconvenience or a distraction from the work of the Kingdom of God. Children are the work of the Kingdom!
In Matthew 18, the disciples argue amongst themselves and ask Jesus: “Who is the greatest in heaven?” Jesus responds, after bringing a little child to the middle of their group, “Unless you turn and become like children, you will never see the kingdom of heaven.” Humble, childlike faith is beautiful to our heavenly Father. Our Savior invites the little children to come and reminds His disciples here, like Sue did for me at Ridge Haven, that children are the Kingdom Work! The gospel is not too big for them to understand and believe in their hearts. The gospel, the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, is not only for the adults. Kingdom Work looks like making theological truths a part of everyday conversation. Kingdom Work is equipping moms and dads to do this very thing, inviting the adults in our congregations to participate alongside parents in prayer, teaching Sunday School, etc.
I recently read an article by Hunter Williams in New Growth Press where he shares the importance of the types of conversations we have with our children. We, as ministry leaders, can equip parents to see parenting as Kingdom Work, bearing spiritual fruit. My perspective shifted after that first retreat from a desire to make “stories” from the Bible known to a vision for a fruit-bearing ministry filled with children whose hearts have within them seeds of truth so deep that it overflows from them!
Not least of the blessings I’ve experienced from being a part of LEAD Retreats over the years are the friendships I’ve formed. Two women in particular have become like spiritual sisters to me. We look forward to “bunking” together, so we can catch-up in person. We text throughout the year with prayer requests, quick life updates, and “I’m thinking of you guys” messages. These women are not my age, nor do they live near me, but we have found such treasured friendship in one another! The three of us even went through CDM Certification and graduated together. We continually talk about how ministry looks different, how our families have changed and grown, and what the future holds for each of us. We pray, laugh, cry, and dream together. We remind each other of the Lord’s faithfulness, and we are still in awe of the way He shows up time and again for each of us. Proverbs 18:24 shares that “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother,” and what a gift it is to encounter this truth firsthand!
While on the airplane coming home after that first retreat, I wrote a letter to the elders of our church, thanking them for the encouragement to go to Ridge Haven. I was given the opportunity to network with new people and learn just how we could shape our Children’s Ministry into something that would bear fruit for the glory of God. If you’re on the fence about going to the LEAD Retreat, I would encourage you to consider what you might hear from the speakers the Lord brings each year that could change your perspective on your ministry. Think about the person you may meet who could become a dear friend for you to lean on and for you to encourage. Attending the LEAD Retreat can change your life and vision of ministry for His glory.

Brigitte Bailey lives in Southeastern Michigan with her husband and their three sons. They enjoy homeschooling, have two malamute dogs, and are nature lovers! She currently oversees Children’s Ministry for children in Kindergarten through fifth grade at her church. Her passion is to make the Word of God accessible to each member of the family by encouraging parents and the covenant family to come alongside each child for the glory of God! Psalm 30 has been her anthem as she battles chronic illness, hoping to encourage others to look to Christ, through Whom we can do all things, along the way!