Grief and the Gift of Corporate Worship

2024-07-08T17:54:54+00:00July 16th, 2024|Blog, Children's Ministry, Covenant, Discipleship, Parents, Resources, Worship|

Grief and the Gift of Corporate Worship— I grew up in a family that attended church services every Sunday, no exceptions. Although I will admit this habit wasn’t especially inspiring to me at a young age, my parents’ commitment to regular corporate worship built a similar habit in me. During and shortly [...]

Messy Reminders of God’s Faithfulness

2024-07-08T17:53:22+00:00July 9th, 2024|Blog, Children's Ministry, Covenant, Discipleship, Parents, Resources, Worship|

Messy Reminders of God's Faithfulness— “Look at this mess.”  That thought often crosses my mind at the conclusion of the benediction as I survey the floor and pews around me.  On any given Sunday you may find ripped up bulletins, paper-airplane care cards, books, drawings, markers, the occasional spilled water, and maybe [...]

Why Prayer Matters

2024-06-04T15:05:50+00:00June 3rd, 2024|Blog, Children's Ministry, Parents, Prayer|

Why Prayer Matters— As the mother of a three-year-old and two-year-old, life is full, busy, and fast-paced. Each day I’m trying to keep up with the needs of young children, of being a pastor’s wife, of staying on top of a part-time job and other responsibilities that pull me in many different [...]

Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges

2024-04-25T16:23:25+00:00April 25th, 2024|Blog, Children's Ministry, Covenant, Curriculum, Discipleship, Parents, Training, Volunteers|

Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges— “. . . but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’” (Matt. 19:14). To a seasoned teacher or a new volunteer joining your team, preschoolers can be terrifying because of their energy [...]

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