Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges

2024-04-25T16:23:25+00:00April 25th, 2024|Blog, Children's Ministry, Covenant, Curriculum, Discipleship, Parents, Training, Volunteers|

Ages and Stages: Pre-School Sponges— “. . . but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’” (Matt. 19:14). To a seasoned teacher or a new volunteer joining your team, preschoolers can be terrifying because of their energy [...]

E11: Destination Discipleship: Making Children Disciples of Christ with Sue Jakes

2023-03-24T16:58:54+00:00November 1st, 2019|Children's Ministry, Discipleship, Podcast, Recruiting, Volunteers|

How do you make children disciples of Christ?Join Sue Jakes, CDM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, as she shares that the difference between discipleship and childcare is where you're headed. Sue gives practical and foundational principles to help you reach destination discipleship.

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