Investigating God’s Word

2023-03-24T16:49:46+00:00July 11th, 2022|Books, CDM Published Books, Resources|

Investigating God's Word Investigating God's Word by Dr. John Kwasny Investigating God’s Word at Home: Series of 14 volumes “You shall teach them [God’s commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and [...]

Missions Resources

2023-03-24T16:50:56+00:00June 5th, 2022|Missions, Resources|

Resources for Children Living on Mission including: Kids Living on Mission - CDM Children's Curriculum The Glory Story - Missional and Educational Videos for Children Let There Be Light - Devotional Book for Children Centered on Missions

Child Safety Resources

2024-07-01T19:49:39+00:00June 5th, 2022|Child Safety, Resources|

Child Safety Resources Disclaimer:  The resources and ministries on this page are not comprehensive or an affiliate of CDM. Our goal is to connect you to resources that may be helpful, but CDM is not endorsing any of these organizations. “Child Protection in the PCA” All church leaders should become informed and take an [...]

Creating a Children’s Ministry

2023-03-24T16:51:14+00:00June 5th, 2022|Resources|

Our Theology Will Drive Our Ministry To Children Building a Children’s Ministry Team  Children's Ministry 101   Effectively Recruiting and Training Teachers Because We want to be more than Childcare —COMING SOON Philosophy of Children’s Ministry—COMING SOON Off the Beaten Path Article You Are My Friends Article Childrens-Ministry-Team-Job-Description Example-Job-Description-for-Director-of-Childrens-Ministry Discipline Policy  Philosophy of Children's Ministry  Covenant Presbyterian, v.1  Westminster [...]

Special Needs

2023-03-24T16:51:39+00:00June 5th, 2022|Disabilities, Resources, Special Needs|

Special Needs Ministry Why We Need Special Needs or Disability Ministries When we read the gospels, we see Jesus ministering to those who are on the fringe of society: the lonely, the broken, and the disabled. Bringing children with disabilities into your children’s ministry may [...]

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