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Grow Podcast

This is CDM’s GROW Resources: Children’s Ministry with Purpose.  CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connection.  We want to connect you with people and resources to strengthen your ministry to children.  You are not alone. We want to help you remember that you are a part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

Fear Not Technology

Fear Not Technology— You may have already seen the videos of young people walking down the sidewalk, riding the train, eating at restaurants, or even driving a car with the Apple Vision [...]

Fear Not Parenting in the Present Age

Fear Not Parenting in the Present Age— In our house, the evening routine includes watching the local news before we turn in. I’m often ready to shut off the TV long before [...]

Children’s Ministry Training

The Discipleship Ministry of the PCA seeks to strengthen the church by connecting people to people and people to resources.  One aspect of that mission is to provide onsite training and resources for the [...]