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CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connections. Through articles, podcasts, and resources we want to help connect you with people and tools that will help you in ministry.

Ministry to children can often feel lonely, but we hope this site will be a place that will encourage you and equip you for a lifetime of investing in the next generation. You are part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.

Check back often for new posts and updated resources.

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GROW Virtual Conference – August 19-20, 2022

Theme: The Good Shepherd

Gather a group of teachers and volunteers at your church to participate in a
Livestream and recorded weekend of training.

Preparing for Advent

Preparing for Advent “Are we there yet?” my seven-year-old daughter will inevitably ask, a mere fifteen minutes from home in an hours-long trip. No, child, it’s still the beginning of the trip. You will have to wait. In the life of a child, the anticipation of Christmas—parties, presents, and candy—is the ultimate are we there yet? In the life of a Christian, [...]

Reformation Sunday – Plan Now To Make It A Big Deal

Reformation Sunday – Plan now to make it a big deal! “Who can tell me something about Martin Luther?” I asked this question in an elementary-age Sunday school class twenty years ago, and I still remember how surprised I was with the answers. Many of the children began to give me facts about Martin Luther King. They had studied about him in [...]

The Importance of Involving Kids in Church

The Importance of Involving Kids in Church— My husband Tom and I have 3 college-age and adult kids.  A couple of years ago, when it was our son Joshua’s turn for a high school graduation party, we sat down and made a list of folks to invite.  We covered family, and friends, and were ready for “church people.”  “Ok. Who do you [...]

Our Great God

Our Great God— 2023 Grow Virtual Conference "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” Proverbs 1:7a I’ve been thinking about this verse a good bit lately. The beginning. The starting place. The foundation of knowledge…is the fear of the Lord. Reverence and humility. Our right response to our covenant keeping, relational, redeeming God! This is the beginning of knowledge. [...]

Intergenerational Relationships in the Church

Intergenerational Relationships in the Church— This year will be my tenth year getting to serve with my church family in children’s ministry. As more time goes by, I see over and over how I can do nothing without Christ and without my church family. The body of Christ is powerful! Can I be frank with you? I am not creative. I don’t [...]

Seasons of Nurturing Volunteers

Seasons of Nurturing Volunteers— Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.  Seasons are a wonderful guide to our ministry year. You plan events and activities for each season of your church—fall events, Advent focus, winter fun, spring [...]

Welcoming Children and Families into a New Year of Ministry

Welcoming Children and Families into a New Year of Ministry— “Promotion Sunday” “Movin’ on Up” “Upgrade” “Step-Up Sunday” “Open House” Whatever you choose to call it, just do it! This is a time of transition and a milestone in the life of a child, and we should celebrate as a church family. It is also a way to intentionally partner with families [...]

Family Rhythms

Family Rhythms— For most, summer is a welcomed break from some of the daily tasks that the school year brings (packing lunches, checking homework, early bedtimes, etc.), but as a person in charge of children at church, rhythms are still something I love. Rhythms can bring predictability, comfort, and order; they are defined as “regular recurring sequences of events, actions, or processes.” Most [...]





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