There is Still Time to Plan for Summer

2023-11-15T21:45:06+00:00June 19th, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

There is Still Time to Plan for Summer— Are you in the middle of planning your summer for children's ministry? Are you still thinking through a VBS option for the summer? CDM offers a curriculum that provides in-depth Bible lessons, emphasizes Scripture memory, is Gospel centered and is FUN for children and [...]

There is Still Time to Plan for Summer

2023-03-24T16:52:42+00:00April 26th, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

There is Still Time to Plan for Summer Are you in the middle of planning your summer for children's ministry? Are you still thinking through a VBS option for the summer? CDM offers a curriculum that provides in-depth Bible lessons, emphasizes Scripture memory, is Gospel centered and is FUN for children and [...]

Planning for Vacation Bible School

2023-03-24T16:52:31+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Planning for Vacation Bible School Yes, you read that right—VBS planning! After years of running VBS, I have learned that setting aside a day for prayer and planning goes a long way toward a successful VBS. Over the years I have directed Vacation Bible Schools of all sizes, from 40 kids all [...]

Creative 3-Day Option for VBS Space Probe

2023-11-15T21:48:40+00:00February 9th, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Creative 3-Day Option for VBS Space Probe— Many thanks to Sherry Kendrick, Family Ministries Director at Covenant Church of Naples, for helping us develop a model to use Space Probe in a three-day format. This document contains everything from a sample schedule to recommendations for crafts, snacks, recreation and lesson emphasis.  View/download PDF. [...]

Time to Plan your VBS!

2023-11-15T21:54:38+00:00January 24th, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Time to plan your VBS— As you are likely freezing where you are in January, it is time to think warm and plan your VBS for summer. June will be here before we know it, so there's no time like the present to take those first steps! Kids continue to be captivated [...]

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