Time to Plan your VBS!

2023-11-15T21:54:38+00:00January 24th, 2022|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Time to plan your VBS— As you are likely freezing where you are in January, it is time to think warm and plan your VBS for summer. June will be here before we know it, so there's no time like the present to take those first steps! Kids continue to be captivated [...]

Engaging your Children in Missions

2023-03-24T16:54:29+00:00July 21st, 2021|Blog, Children's Ministry, Uncategorized|

The Glory Story Mission to the World has partnered with several PCA churches to develop a video series to engage our children about Missions! These videos are designed to encourage the hearts of children to engage in God's story of growing his Kingdom. Each video provides unique content including praise and worship, teaching [...]

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