Join us for Grow Virtual—

I love people! Relationships with others help me thrive. If you know me, you may be surprised to learn that I am an introvert because relationships are so richly rewarding for me and always worth my time.

This is where I confess that the virtual conference is hard for me. Sitting behind a computer in preparation and in front of a camera for presentation are not my idea of fun. However, Grow Virtual is an important part of our ministry! Not everyone is able to travel to make meaningful connections with others in children’s ministry. Grow Virtual brings meaningful connections to others. It’s sometimes hard for me to see those connections  . . . until later. I’ve discovered that Grow Virtual is a wonderful training tool for so many churches as it brings connection that continues beyond this one event. There have been participants from Grow Virtual who go on to become certification students, attend our in-person retreat (LEAD), or become members of our Facebook group (Connect PCA Children’s Ministry) as they discover the richness of the community of children’s ministry leaders in the PCA.

Here is a list of just some of the many reasons Grow Virtual is an important offering that I hope you’ll be a part of.

  • Meaningful content for you and your volunteers.
  • Provides a shared language for discussion with others viewing alongside you.
  • Encouragement, connection and gospel truth for weary hearts.
  • Affordable training for under-resourced churches.
  • Sharing of other resources that bless our denomination.
  • Available through January of the following year, providing time for viewing.
  • Available to those outside the United States (We’ve had participants from Africa, Japan and Germany.)
  • This year we are creating ways for those who participate by September 15 to share ideas and participate in interactive workshops!

Pastor Andrew Park, Lead Pastor at Living Faith PCA in Los Angeles will be sharing about God’s power in our ministries as well as about what sustains us and strengthens us in ministry. Dr. Stephen Estock will share about God’s gifts to us for accomplishing His purposes. There are seven new workshops this year as well as access to six from previous years. There will be plenty to inspire and train your team!

For those who participate live with us on August 2 and 3, there will be a live chat and giveaways to share ideas and resources with each other as well as a practical question and answer time when those watching can submit questions.

“What if I can’t participate live?” you ask. No problem. You’ll still have access to the answers in the chat, and we want to hear your ideas too! If you watch by September 15, your group can email your ideas to Kathy Wargo ( All the shared ideas will be gathered to be emailed in late September to everyone who has signed up for Grow Virtual. These ideas may just arrive when you need them. In addition, anyone who emails an idea will be entered for additional giveaways to be announced by email.

Some workshop presenters will be offering live, interactive zoom sessions to continue their topics in a way that allows for connection, hearing extra ideas, and practicing a skill with others. The times and links for each workshop will be sent in the mid-September email.

Join us this year as we evaluate where our focus is in our ministry to children. I pray we gain perspective together as we connect over this content in our various locations. I may not “see” you there, but I’ll be praying for meaningful connection to happen.

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.” – 2 Peter 1:3

Katie Flores is Children’s Ministry Coordinator for the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries. Katie oversees the effort of CDM to connect and equip those who serve in discipleship ministry to children. She develops and reviews resources to help those who work with children and youth and conducts training for church leaders, staff, and volunteers.