Children’s Ministry Resources
This includes resources we have gathered from PCA churches across the country and resources our Children’s Ministry Team have developed to strengthen your church.
If you have a resource you would be willing to share or a resource you would like us to develop, we want to hear from you. Email us.
The information below comes in
Word doc,
on-site articles,
off-site pages or website and links to
videos. Click the title of interest to view, download and /or print or watch.

Building a Children’s Ministry Team
Effectively Recruiting and Training Teachers
Because We want to be more than Childcare —COMING SOON
Philosophy of Children’s Ministry—COMING SOON
Children’s Ministry Certification website
CDM’s Certification Program is theological and practical training for non-ordained staff or volunteers who are currently serving in children’s ministry within the local church. Whether your church is 50 or 5000 people, this certification program will impact your church by developing and enhancing your Children’s Ministry.
Meet CDM’s Children’s Ministry Leadership Team
More Resources will be COMING SOON!
CDM often receives requests for music that can be played when children or adults gather and that teaches scripture. In cooperation with Crown and Covenant Publications, we are pleased to provide links to Psalms for Singing, arranged and recorded by Matthew David Montgomery of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville and to C&C’s projectable slides with lyrics and/or written music.
“The Psalms are the foundational book of Christian worship and piety. . . Yet the use of psalms in public worship has been marginalized in recent centuries . . .What a tragedy for the church—that such God-inspired riches have been moved to the realm of private devotion. Given this, it is always encouraging to hear of projects which aim to bring the psalms back to the doxological center of the church’s life. Matthew David Montgomery’s Psalms for Singing aims to do just that. I hope its resources encourage and enable churches and families to place the psalter back at the center of Christian praise, public and private.” – Carl Trueman, author of “The Rise & Triumph of the Modern Self,” and professor of Biblical & Religious Studies
Crown & Covenant Publications has given access to The Book of Psalms for Worship at Click here for a sample of the Psalms.
- Teach Me To Worship
- Children’s Ministry Curriculum Comparison Chart 2022
(Thank you to Charis Byun for her work on this chart)
- Great Commission Publications
- Great Commission Publication Training Videos
- One Story: Investigating God’s Word
God’s Story Bible Coloring Book Review
Jesus Storybook Bible Review
Children’s Ministry Resources for Covid-19 & Regathering
The Why and How of Teach Me to Worship
Teach Me to Worship – A Complete Lesson Walk-Through
From Garden to Glory for Kids your children can study the same things their mothers are studying in women’s Bible study.
Kid’s Worship Worksheet & Kid’s Worship Stickers
With clarity and beautiful illustrations, The Good Shepherd’s Pasture explains to both children and their parents the rich covenantal theology of baptism in story form using the metaphor of The Good Shepherd’s Pasture for the Church.
Disclaimer: The resources and ministries on this page are not comprehensive or an affiliate of CDM. Our goal is to connect you to resources that may be helpful, but CDM is not endorsing any of these organizations.
While the world cheers on the 2020 Olympians,
inspire your VBS Athletes to go the distance with Joshua,
the great champion of the Bible who points us to Jesus!
Great Commission Publications VBS Curriculums:
The King is Coming! Sound the trumpets and prepare the way! God’s everlasting covenant begins with creation and is fulfilled with the King’s eternal reign.

The Race is On is designed to serve as an encouragement to your covenant children to continue faithfully running the Race set before them. In addition, we pray that many others will join this life-changing Race for the first time as the Holy Spirit changes their hearts.

Faith Expedition God’s Treasure Revealed is an exciting adventure, taking children across time through the lives of Moses, David, Daniel, Matthew, Paul and Silas.
Other Recommended VBS Curriculums
Road Rally: Covenant PCA could not find a program that was a really good fit for them. They wanted something decidedly reformed in nature, that taught Biblical principles clearly and without compromise, with material accessible and challenging to both “churched” and “unchurched” children. At the same time, they wanted a program that was still full of fun and excitement and was presented more like a day camp rather than following a classroom model.
We are pleased to say that we believe “Road Rally” VBS does all of the above and more! Because children are broken up into small “Pit Crews” and rotate through different “Pit Stops” children get individual attention whether you have a smaller VBS with 20 to 30 children, or a larger program of 600 or more children.
It is our prayer for you that Road Rally VBS will be used by the Holy Spirit to reveal to children that Jesus is the way, and to challenge both adults and kids to follow Him.
Scottish Sleuths Vacation Bible School Curriculum: This VBS series has been designed to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to children through a week-long, intensive study of God’s Word.
Disclaimer: The resources and ministries on this page are not comprehensive or an affiliate of CDM. Our goal is to connect you to resources that may be helpful, but CDM is not endorsing any of these organizations.
“Child Protection in the PCA”
All church leaders should become informed and take an active stance toward preventing child sexual abuse in the church by screening staff and volunteers, training them in child protection, and actively maintaining child protection policies pertaining to our obligations to love our children and protect their rightful interests as God’s image-bearers from the devastating actions of abusers. (Matthew 18:5-6)
From Overture 6 – Georgia Foothills Presbytery
Child Safeguarding Policy Guide by Basyle Tchividjian
Child Safety Guidelines for Local Churches by Roger N. McNamara
Safe Kids: Policies and Procedures for Protecting Children in the Church by Blake Caldwell
Preventing Child Abuse by Beth A Swagman (Helps churches and nonprofit organizations develop policies and procedures to protect children and youth.)
Safekeeping by Henni Helleman, Patricia J Vos (An age-appropriate two-session abuse prevention curriculum for grades K-8.)
ADPEmployee Background Checks and Pre-employment Screening from ADP provides the tools and expertise to quickly and accurately assess candidates.
MinistrySafe provides seven levels of background checks in a simple online dashboard, with discounted pricing offered to PCA churches. Customization and price match services are available, as well as access to expert legal advice. View pricing
Protect My Ministryoffers complete background check and volunteer screening services for churches. Used by General Assembly.
USAFact Reliable, accurate and affordable background checks, drug testing, tenant screening and loan origination services.
Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA, has developed a thorough system and set of resources to protect children in their church. In addition, they have provided various forms for everything from a children’s ministry volunteer application and youth ministry staff applications, to a background check waiver. They have generously allowed us to share their resources with you. Check out their many resources here.
Brotherhood Mutual Insurance provides an Online library of safety and risk management materials created especially for churches and related ministries. The website has articles, checklists, guidebooks and tools, publications, sample forms, and training.
MinistrySafe equips churches to implement the 5-Part Safety System through a simple online dashboard. Resources include online training, sample screening forms, sample policies, background checks, tools for monitoring and oversight, and access to expert legal advice. Discounted pricing offered to PCA churches.
Adults Protecting Children, Inc. gives parents and organizations the tools they need to protect children from sexual abuse. They also equip adults to know how to recognize the signs of abuse and empower them to react responsibly to a disclosure, discovery or a suspicion of abuse.
- Teaching Your Children to Worship
by Covenant Pres. in Chattanooga, TN.
- Parenting in the Pew
by Robbie Castleman
- Rediscovering Family Worship
by Jerry Marcellino
- Family Worship
by Joel Beeke
- Family Worship Book
by Terry Johnson
- Helping Parents Grow Their Children in Faith
by Lisa Updike
- Kids, Porn and the Heart
Article from ByFaith Magazine (AUGUST, 2015)
- Gospel-Powered Parenting
by William P. Farley
- Parenting By God’s Promises
by Joel Beeke
- Your Home: A Place of Grace
by Susan Hunt
- You Are Ministers
by John W Neal
- Train Up a Child
by S. Windham (Thomas Kay)
- The Bible is NOT Boring
by Lisa Updike
- Church is NOT Boring
by Lisa Updike
- God’s Alphabet for Life
by Joel Beeke and Heidi Boorsma
- My ABC Bible Verses
by Susan Hunt
- The Child’s Story Bible
by Catherine Vos
- The Jesus Storybook Bible
by Sally Lloyd-Jones
- Rediscovering Catechism
by Donald Van Dyken
- Grandpa’s Box
by Starr Meade
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
by Starr Meade
- Understanding the Faith
by Stephen Smallman
- God’s Promises
by Sally Michaels
- God’s Names
by Sally Michaels
- Dinner Table Devotions
by Nancy Guthrie
- Heart of the Home CD Study
by Priscilla Stewart & Sue Jakes