Nurtured: God’s Tender Care for New and Expectant Mothers
Nurtured: God’s Tender Care for New and Expectant Mothers Book description: This 9-week Bible study will connect expectant and new mothers to scriptural passages to reveal the One whose tender love strengthens them for [...]
God’s Plan for Development
God's Plan for Development: Leading Others to Understand God's Good Design Designed to equip parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 years with engaging, nurturing, and educational activities to support healthy attachment, an essential [...]
Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused World
Anchoring Your Child to God's Truth...In a Gender-Confused Culture Today's world is constantly sending our children unbiblical messages about gender identities, gender roles, same-sex attraction, and sexual fulfillment. Gender fluidity, which is at the [...]
Mission Possible
Mission Possible: Children Discovering Purpose, Gifts, and Calling is a Bible-centered curriculum designed to teach and challenge children about the call of missions and to acquaint them with the work of real-life cross-cultural workers. These [...]
Road Talk (Volume 2)
Road Talk Vol. 2 by John Kwasny You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when [...]
His Name Is Great
His Name Is Great by Rachel Craddock Children ask: “Who’s God?” “What’s His name?” “What’s He like?” His Name Is Great was written to answer those questions and to explain why God wants His children [...]
Meal Talk (Volume 1)
Meal Talk by John Kwasny You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie [...]
Road Talk (Volume 1)
Road Talk by John Kwasny You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie [...]
Teach Me To Worship
Teach Me To Worship Teach Me to Worship is adapted from a curriculum originally developed by the staff at Orangewood Presbyterian Church in Maitland, FL. The curriculum presents and explains common elements of worship that the [...]
Preparing For the Table
Preparing for the Table by Lisa Updike Becoming a communing member of your local church is important. Even more important is understanding God’s plan, provisions, and purpose for church membership. The engaging and interactive lessons [...]
Learn it. Love it. Live it. Teach it!
Learn it. Love it. Live it. Teach it! Dr. John Kwasny (PCA) With engaging narratives and rich biblical truths, these 365 daily devotionals for kids ages 8-13 focus on scripture passages from Genesis to Revelation. [...]
From Garden to Glory for Kids
From Garden to Glory for Kids Jennifer Zell, PCA In stories of kings, princes, knights and dragons, the kings usually have lots of strong, brave knights and soldiers to help them. They fight valiantly to [...]
Investigating God’s Word
Investigating God's Word: A series of 14 Volumes Dr. John Kwasny, PCA “You shall teach them [God’s commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when [...]
Children’s Ministry 101
Children's Ministry 101: A Covenantal Approach to Next-Generation Ministry Based on the work of John Kwasny, PCA Children's ministry is different than childcare. It's partnering with parents. It's modeling the joy of our faith and [...]
Building Little Pillars
Title: Building Little Pillars: Teaching the Foundations of the Christian Faith to Children Ages 3 to 6 Author: Heather Molendyk - PCA Like the wise man in Scripture, we want our children's spiritual foundations to [...]
The Good Shepherd’s Pasture
The Good Shepherd’s Pasture, A Story of Your Baptism The Good Shepherd's Pasture by Elizabeth Harwell Order from the PCA Bookstore With clarity and beautiful illustrations, The Good Shepherd’s [...]
The Good King’s Feast
The Good King's Feast The Good King's Feast by Elizabeth Harwell Order from the PCA Bookstore In The Good King’s Feast, Elizabeth Harwell proffers the covenant theology abundantly proclaimed [...]
About Being a Boy or Girl
About Being a Boy or a Girl About Being a Boy or a Girl: Discussing Gender and Marriage with Little Ones in Light of God’s Word by Lisa Updike Order from [...]
The Bible Is Not Boring
The Bible Is Not Boring The Bible Is Not Boring by Lisa Updike Order from the PCA Bookstore Lisa Updike is the Director of Children’s Ministry at Covenant Presbyterian [...]
Anyway and Always: A Story of Unconditional Love
Anyway and Always: A Story of Unconditional Love Anyway and Always: A Story of Unconditional Love by Bryan and Kathy Chapell Order from the PCA Bookstore When Katy disobeys, [...]