Preparing for Advent

2023-12-18T20:39:29+00:00August 21st, 2023|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Preparing for Advent “Are we there yet?” my seven-year-old daughter will inevitably ask, a mere fifteen minutes from home in an hours-long trip. No, child, it’s still the beginning of the trip. You will have to wait. In the life of a child, the anticipation of Christmas—parties, presents, and candy—is the ultimate [...]

Our Great God

2023-11-15T20:36:48+00:00August 2nd, 2023|Blog, Children's Ministry|

Our Great God— 2023 Grow Virtual Conference "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” Proverbs 1:7a I’ve been thinking about this verse a good bit lately. The beginning. The starting place. The foundation of knowledge…is the fear of the Lord. Reverence and humility. Our right response to our covenant [...]

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